Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Healing of Being in The Quiet

The Healing of Being in The Quiet

One thing that I have seen, and experienced in my life, is that people in general don't know how to be quiet. I have struggled with this too. Webster says it's to be "free from disturbing noise or uproar".

For just a few moments, let's think about all of the buzz around at all times. It used to be just family...then it became radio, if you were able to have that. Then it grew to include television...anybody remember black and white tv?

Movie theaters were in vogue too. If you were lucky, you got to actually go and watch a movie. Who cared that it was black and white? Really, this has been all in my lifetime, maybe your lifetime too, or perhaps you read about it.

The Quiet. Being quiet. The absence of NOISE.

This includes cell phones and computer. Remember the first cell phones? Huge, looking like a backpack with a phone handset attached! I was so excited to be plugged in to that phone!!

Then came social media. It seemed like everybody got "online" and began connecting!

Are you always "plugged in"?  

I started going off grid 5 years ago...

Still was plugged in to call phone and internet tho. It has taken me all of that time to move away from constantly having to keep up with everybody and everything!

I went far away, but quiet for you may be going to a park, or staying at home without people around. I like going away for quiet because my eyes will see what needs to be done, and talk my mind into doing it. No, I need intentional quiet. The kind of quiet where I become connected to the wind, and the birds, and the absence of human busyness and human talkings and undertakings.

This causes me to relax and refocus.

Question...Did you know that you will probably have to detox from noise or busyness?  Its because we get addicted to whatever stimulates our mind, will or emotions. We are drawn to our dysfunctional normal.

Give yourself some time to be quiet. Like your grandparents or great grandparents did.

How do you experience The Quiet?Let's Ask God to still our busy mind, and refocus our thoughts on oeace. Isaiah 30:15This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength. Isaiah 30:15 NIV

One practical thing that I do is to use Peace essential oil blend. I rub it behind my ears and over my heart as I pray for peace. Not only does this cause me to slow down, but it helps me to refocus on Christ in me.

Today, I challenge you to be intentional about seeking some quiet in your life. I pray for you, that you could carve out some time to pause and reflect, and relax your mind!

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